Happy Mail – Boxing Day Edition

Happy mail!

I hope you all have had a good weekend independent of celebratory or familial status. I spent most of the weekend having a great time with planning for a bigger, better, even more organised 2017. (Yep, organising is a good time for me.) Plus, this is the year when, pending everything going well, SeaGreenZines will be moving base! I’m looking forward to having a ‘forever’ base of operations.

Anyway, enough about that. Time for the mail!


Forgive the camera lens cover. No, Billy didn’t send me one. (Though I could use a spare.) When the ‘cover’ of your zine is also part of your zine, I get a little bit nervous about showing all the goods. Haha. 😉

Billy has been going through a bit of a rough time of late, so if you can, give him a bit of extra support in whatever way speaks to you. That he’s sent me this from all the way in the States makes me feel very, very lucky.


Sweet surprise mail – with zines! Squee! Emma from Puddle Side Musings took me completely by surprise with this unexpected letter and ziiiines! Pieces just so happens to be one of my favourite zine series, so I’m extra extra thankful for the lovely surprise. (That’s not to say that Ker-Bloom isn’t awesome too, of course!)


Sneaky last minute local mail! Wolfram-J VK of Queer Content fame snuck in on the last day the post office is open for four days. I wasn’t expecting anything, really, but there it was! It’s my very first issue of Queer Content, so I’m very, very excited. Plus, Victoria and Queensland seem to have this weird delay with mail (seriously, I’ve had things from the States arrive faster), so it’s a relief as well to see this safe and sound.

That’s all the happy mail for this week. Sending you all wonderous, happy vibes for the silly season and the new year to come!

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