Catching Up – Exhausted Edition

I want to keep doing a Done/Doing/Dreaming thing as a sort of check in, but I felt like the way it was ended up being a little stiff and regimented (if you know what I mean), and I was repeating myself a lot. Here’s to a more casual catch up approach.


Asimov is doing well after his operation. Things were very anxious there for a while with his vet visit turning into an overnight one and then after he got home. Everything seems to be settling into place now, and we got him a cone of shame to calm him down and protect his throat. (I was losing sleep over his magical ability to take the gauze out from underneath two layers of bandage.)


The zine sale is still going and will go for the rest of the month. Everything so far has gone a long way to help, but there is still a lot to pay off.


My current efforts are pretty much all focused on preparing for the Festival of the Photocopier, put on by Sticky Institute. I was actually going to withdraw my request for a table, but I’ve since found some cheaper ways to get to Melbourne/be in Melbourne for the zine fest. If all goes well, I will have heaps of zines compared to last year as well as a few zines that will be launched at the fest.


That’s me for now. I really felt like my life was falling apart last week, but things are starting to shine again. I wish you nothing but the best for the week to come.

Zine well!

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