International Zine Month 2017 Day 4: International Zines

Read a zine from a country other than your own

Today’s IZM prompt makes me want to go through my whole zine collection and figure out which ones are from what countries. I’ve had the pleasure of reading all sorts of zines from Australia, Canada, the US, the UK, and even a couple from Brazil that were in Portuguese!

Today I’m wrapping up in my cosy winter blanket and settling down to read Mythologising Me.

I have #11: “40 page A6 size perzine, half by me, about quitting my job, winter blues, friendship, self esteem and starting a band for the very first time. Say Hi and Wave is made by Alexa and talks about being vegan, libraries, gigs she’s been to and fun times with friends.”

I also have #12, which is a split zine: “40 page A6 size perzine, half by me, about quitting my job, winter blues, friendship, self esteem and starting a band for the very first time. Say Hi and Wave is made by Alexa and talks about being vegan, libraries, gigs she’s been to and fun times with friends.”

What are you reading today?

Other Zinesters Joining In (Let me know if you are, and I’ll add you to the list!):


Play along with 31 Days of International Zine Month Activities here!