Happy Mail Monday: Birthday Edition

Hello, wonderful friends! What a Happy Mail Monday it is. So many good things to share!


Because there are a lot of pictures, I’m going to tuck them behind the ‘more’ tag just so the photos don’t bog down the post. ^_^ (Seriously considering doing videos for amazing mail weeks like this one!)

Hello from the other side of the tag! Haha.

Yes, my friends, it is my birthday week. (What’s the use of being an adult if you can suddenly declare that your birthday is now your birth week?) The actual day is later in the week, but I have no patience and opened everything up anyway. Hehe.

First up, there’s an absolutely chockers parcel from my friend Black Wolf. We only exchange parcels a couple times a year, so we make it worth it!

I wanted to take pictures of every little thing, but that would lead to a huuuge, post. The important part is the chocolate-covered pretzels. Hahaha. Just kidding. (Though they are very important. 😉 ) She is so generous and sent me snacks, zines, and all sorts of things. I will highlight a few.

This about brought me to tears. It’s a bracelet that spells out ‘soul sisters’ in Morse code! How cool is that?

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but Black Wolf started up Jenerations where she sells her amazing bead work. These she made for Wanderer (though I did try to steal the TARDIS because I love Doctor Who, too).

She even made some beaded mini-cupcakes! Watch out zine trade friends; you may see a cupcake in your mailbox soon…

She also made me Wilson from a game I adore called Don’t Starve. The photo seems to have gone astray, but you can take a peek by looking at my Instagram page.

This, my friends, is not a present simply because I love baking. This is a housewarming gift! Squee! I’ll be moving into my forever home and joining the ranks of the mortgage holders, and she knows how special having a permanent home is to me. <3

She was also kind enough to catch some mail on the US side for me (if you’re in the US and shipping is impossible, please don’t count me out!), this being issues 1-24 of Xerography Debt! (All the way back when it was Xerox Debt!) Davida (the creator of XD) was kind enough to dig these all up for me after I mentioned how I can get about wanting every issue in zine series that I like. Squee!

Here we have a truly beautiful bit of happy mail from the States that was sooooooooo beautiful from Shelley aka True Zine Marin. TZM wrote to me as part of International Zine Month and mentioned that my posts here on SGZ inspired them to catch up with IZM! Truly, those messages are the best messages because they let me know that I am giving back to all the wonderful people who help and support me here on SGZ.

You know how much I love the little things, so how cute is the little note that came with this introduction to bird watching zine? It’s so adorable, and it goes alone with the zine topic. Oh my gosh, it’s so cute!

This lovely piece of happy mail came from my beautiful pen friend, Grandma Misti (she’s on Send Something if you’d like to say hello!). She writes such nice long letters and really doesn’t mind long pauses between letters. (She even told me that she didn’t expect a response to this letter until after the move because she knew I’d be busy, the darling.) The green bracelet matches August’s birth gem: peridot. <3

Fishspit has been quiet lately, so I should have known he was up to something! Hahaha. I just couldn’t wait and opened up the box from him to find this! A My Neighbor Totoro wallet! And a little Totoro bell charm as well. So cute! He knows I’m a big Miyazaki fan.

The funny thing is that I’ve been wanting to get a new wallet for ages now, and here Fishspit surprises me with one for my birthday. I love it!

A little Totoro charm. I’ve packed up my other little charms that match him, so I’ll have to wait until after the move to put him with his friends.

Oh, my gosh. What a week of mail! What special surprise birthday presents! Oh, gosh. I don’t know what to say.

Other than thank you, of course!

With all of my marshmallow heart, thank you Black Wolf, True Zine Marin, Grandma Misti, Sarah, and Fishspit! You have made my Monday an absolutely beautiful one and made my birthday week a very, very special one. I can’t thank you and everyone who supports SGZ enough!

Lots of love to everyone!

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