Zine Review: Strictly Ballroom: A Fan Zine

Strictly Ballroom: A Fan Zine
Larua Bibby

I feel a little weird reviewing a fan zine. It almost feels like someone professing to love doughnuts, and me saying things like, “I really like how you express your love for doughnuts… but where are the contact details for people who want to know more?” That being said…

Strictly Ballroom is a full-colour mini fanzine about the classic Australian romantic comedy by Baz Luhrmann.

Laura starts off the zine by lamenting about not seeing this movie sooner (it’s from 1992) and all the good times missed (oh, I do so love a twirly skirt as well). As much as I understand Laura’s pain, I have to say that I really love that this is a fanzine borne not of years and years of love but of discovering something and loving it so intensely from the get go that she made a zine about it. There’s just so much energy and excitement in Laura’s writing that I can’t help but feel like I need to get my hands on the movie and watch it again straight away!

Laura launches into five reasons why you should give the movie a go (or a rewatch if you’ve already seen it). I had to laugh when Laura got to talk about Fran’s character and got so excited that she wrote about the possibility of a zine dedicated just to Fran. It was almost like talking to someone who is so excited about something that they can hardly finish one sentence before starting the next.

Strictly Ballroom isn’t comprised only of the list, though, but I’ll leave the other contents for you to discover.

This zine has left me feeling pretty upbeat, energetic, and inspired. I love all the energy and delight Laura has put into this zine, and I think you should check it out.

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