ZineWriMo is Coming!

Hello, zine friends!

The month of October is coming to a close, which means a big month ahead for many people. Why? NaNoWriMo, the event that challenges people to write 50,000 words in one month.

So what does that have to do with ZineWriMo? Well, according to the person who came up with it (as far as I know), Kat Mokus:

ZineWriMo is a new idea that came to me in wanting to combine the original NaNoWriMo and zines!

ZineWriMo is November! We focus on making one, or many, zines in November! Our only goal is to create zines, no word count requirement!

ZineWriMo is a fun, relaxed way to get into the zine making space with friends. There is a ZineWriMo Facebook group to help you connect with others, and the #zinewrimo hashtags on places like Twitter and Instagram if they are your preferred places.

Just to be clear, I definitely didn’t come up with the idea of ZineWriMo. BUT what I did do is come up with a little list of daily activities…

Ta da! I thought it would be fun to have daily prompts for any time you are feeling a little lost or unmotivated when it comes to getting your zine on in November. This is meant to be fun not stressful, so don’t get too wrapped up in accomplishing everything on every day. (But kudos and internet chocolates to you if you do.)

So there you have it! Share far, and share wide, zine friends. November is going to be busy!

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