#ZineWriMo Day 14 – Create a Zinemaker Travel Kit

Hello, zine friends. It’s day 14 of ZineWriMo, and that means it’s time to…

Create a Zinemaker Travel Kit

How you choose to interpret this is, of course, up to you. You may want to make a small kit for a friend or load up a full project bag so you can zine while you’re out on an adventure.

Me? I went with ‘day trip’. Haha.

This is a present from last year that proved incredibly valuable during the house move. I had everything from a box cutter to medicine scripts in this thing, and it was great to have it all in one spot. It comes with two zippered pockets.

This is the first compartment. This is meant to be for organising cables and such, but it’s perfect for my various pens and pencils. The little net zippered pocket holds my two-sided tape, super glue, ruler, and – because I forgot to take it out after I de-moving-bagged it – a lighter.

The second pocket doesn’t hold much at the moment – mostly because I’m not going out a lot. A full sized pair of scissors fits in here perfectly. At the moment, I keep spare paper for notes, mini-zine blanks, and my A5 clipboard.

If I didn’t have this, I would very likely have stuck with my old method of travel creation – a big pencil bag with whatever supplies fit and mini-zine blanks.

Do you have a travel bag for creating on the go? Tell me about it in the comments. 🙂

4 Replies to “#ZineWriMo Day 14 – Create a Zinemaker Travel Kit”

  1. that looks so cool! i don’t have a travel kit yet but i’m gonna see if i can make something…

    1. I really love it for a number of different tasks, really. It almost makes me want to travel more. Haha. But like I said in the post, a pencil bag would have been my next choice.

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