Hello, wonderful zine friends, and welcome to a new week!
It’s actually nearing the end of the day on Monday as I type this, but the sun is beautiful, I’ve just finished recording the next episode of the podcast, and I’m feeling good about pushing myself to get more done today than I thought I could. Starting off the week doing more than I thought I could is a good place to be.
Of course, what makes everything better at the start of the week? Happy mail!
Sober Booooooooooob. I always immediately smile when I see this handwriting on an envelope because I know who its from. I’m so excited to be catching up on $50 Minimum and her newest zine ‘Decency is a Relative Thing’. Check out Sober Bob’s Instagram to see the super cool foil technique she used for the title of this zine. I want to do the same thing. ^_^
Thank you, Sober Bob for the happy mail!
How cute is this?! It’s an adorable little parcel with a little watercolour sticker address label with little handwriting…
…filled with mini zines!
Samantha Reigl sent me this adorable package of cuteness. What’s even cooler is that the ‘main’ mini-zine is about ZineWriMo 2017, but it references the other zines in the pack! As in one day might have a little blurb and then say, “Check out the blue mini-zine”. I love this idea so much!
Thank you so much, Samantha! I can hardly wait to start reading.
Real Tioga! Remember Real Tioga 7 and how I wasn’t quite sure what was going on but I liked it?
Mystery solved!
The maker of Real Tioga found me on Instagram and said hello! I was absolutely delighted to find out that the news clippings are from a real paper. ^_^ I had no idea the next one was in the mail. What a lovely surprise!
Thank you so much!
That is all for me today, zine friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the wonderful people who take the time and effort to send me mail and make my world bubble a brighter place. I will be back tomorrow with a few bits and bobs type notes about things.
Until then!