Done, Doing, Dreaming – Forever Planning

Hello, zine friends! How is it going?

Gosh, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these posts. The last time was a ‘moving in’ update of sorts last September, and the one before that was contemplating a title change for this category of posts last May.

I’ve been feeling a bit aimless in recent times, but a bit of sunny weather (autumn/winter weather takes a toll) has me feeling great and determined to start working on the lists that have been growing for so long. After all, it’s just not right if this zine enthusiast isn’t actually making zines, now is it? Haha.

Here’s what I have on the table at the moment:


*Paper Currency 2 – This one has been put on the back burner way too many times, and I am excited to get it going. I already have the cover art sorted and just need to get some articles for it. There’s still plenty of time to submit!

*Don’t Call Me Cupcake 10 – I took a break from DCMC after #9/9.5 because I was too heartbroken over severed friendships during/after the move to work more on the series. I finally feel ready again and want to do something different to celebrate ten issues.

*Hemp vs Cotton – This is a mini-zine I have had in mind for a long time about how ridiculous it is that we’re still growing cotton when hemp is such a better alternative. All the writing is done – I just have to format it.

*Untitled Anxiety Zine – Time has slipped away very quickly on this one, but I am also glad for it. Some perspective helps, and I’m gathering my notes to get ready to write about my stay in the anxiety clinic.

*Photo Zine(s) – I have a few photo ideas floating around in this head of mine. Right now, I’m trying to find a printer, as I’d like to do ‘to the edge’ printing for at least one of them.

*Workaholic Zine – This idea started as a conversation between me and my friend LP, and I’ve held onto it because I really want to make it. I’m still brainstorming, but if you’d like to get involved, please feel free to get in touch.

Stack on the list as per usual. Haha. There’s so much to do and never enough time for everything, right? There’s also International Zine Month coming up sooner rather than later to get prepped for. I’m also still investigating an alternative to Etsy because the fees are getting me down and having no option for calculating shipping based on weight is a constant annoyance.

That’s me for now. What are you up to? Any fun zine projects? Other projects? Let me know in the comments.

6 Replies to “Done, Doing, Dreaming – Forever Planning”

  1. It’s so inspiring to read all about your great upcoming plans and ideas! Makes me want to go make a zine right away! 🙂

      1. Am currently sorta kinda writing (pre-writing phase) something about workaholism, as it is something I’m also dealing with (with the trying to no longer be one, I mean), I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. 🙂

        1. I just realised I didn’t reply to this. That sounds fantastic! Please do let me know how it goes.

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