Call for Submissions: Nyx’s Zine Projects

Hello, wonderful zine friends! I hope this weekend finds you well. I’ve been sick through most of the past week, so I decided something. The deadline for my zine projects have technically passed, but because I’m still recovering, I’m extending the deadline for anyone who’d like to get in but just missed. So if you’d like to contribute to any of these, feel free to still send your work through the weekend.

Be sure to read underneath each call.

I’m especially looking for 250-500 word (very flexible on this) pieces on why you think zines are important, and I’m also looking for more people to join the ‘for trades’ section.

I’m primarily looking for more written pieces, comics, and art.

I’m primarily looking for more written pieces, comics, and art.

This is nearly full, but there is room for a few more pieces if you’d like to join in.