International Zine Month Day 7 – Zine Distro Appreciation Day

I’m baaaaack. Haha. Happy day seven of International Zine Month and Zine Distro Appreciation Day!

Zine Distro Appreciation Day has a little extra shine this year for me with the Sea Green Distro being well and truly rocking and rolling. But today’s activity is to order from a distro and get some reading material…

The most recent issue of Broken Pencil caught my eye, so what better time to order?

About Broken Pencil: the magazine of zine culture and the independent arts

Welcome to Broken Pencil! Since 1995, we have been a mega-zine dedicated exclusively to exploring independent creative action. Published four times a year, each issue of Broken Pencil features reviews of hundreds of zines and small press books, plus comics, excerpts from the best of the underground press, interviews, original fiction and commentary on all aspects of the indie arts. From the hilarious to the perverse, Broken Pencil challenges conformity and demands attention.

So technically Broken Pencil itself is a magazine. However, they do sell zines in their shop.

My completionist soul is already stirring because you can order all the back issues of the mag too…


If you’ve ordered yourself some zine goodness today, where have you ordered from? I’m always interested in finding out about new-to-me distros around the world.

Until next time!

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!