ZineWriMo Day 2 – Plan It Out

Happy Monday! Or, just Monday. We’re here. Hahaha. It’s definitely been a stereotypical Monday here in the zine cave, but I’m pushing forward (with a brief timeout to cry in frustration). Now it’s time for the ZineWriMo portion of the day.

Plan It Out – Decide on what you’d like to do for ZineWriMo and plan out your steps to get there.

I was actually very nervous about today’s prompt. With the way this year has gone, I’ve been hesitant to make any sort of commitments even to myself, let alone out on the internet. But then I remembered my own thoughts and intentions behind the creation of the prompts list:

Deep breaths – this isn’t meant to be stressful.

So why not shoot for the moon and see what happens, right?

I decided to make further use of my brainstorms and thought gardens page from yesterday. While there isn’t a lot of change, I did colour code all of the ideas I came up with. Green is for definitely do, blue-ish is for I’d really like to but I’m not sure I’ll be able to, and purple is for incredibly unlikely to happen this month.

I then took my green ideas and wrote them down on my notepad. I didn’t get into the steps too much with most of them because I know me, I know my schedule, and I know what I need reminding of. Even so, this step of planning like this (something that I usually don’t do in this way) made me feel good. Sure, I might not get everything on the list done, but it felt good to lay out a path.

How did you go with today’s prompt? Do you like planning? Or did you see yesterday as more of a planning stage as well?


Other Participants:



Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.