ZineWriMo ’22 Day 5 – Zine Ideas Book

Hello and happy Saturday, zine friends! Oh, it is a very happy Saturday here with some much-desired sunshine. I need that Vitamin D. Haha. Today we have a bit of organisation happening…

Our prompt for the day… drumroll

Whether you are a zinemaker, writer, artist, other business person… anything, really, I highly recommend having a notebook with you wherever you go. It’s nice to have a place to ‘catch’ all those little ideas we have throughout the way.

I have a little notebook that carry with me in my bag. But when it comes to the ‘hub’ where I keep all the ideas (and calendars, to do lists, etc), then we have my discs here.

I think I have a different zine ideas book each year because I can never seem to stay put in one organistion system for too long.

I am back in my disc system, which is a combination of life and work. Thank Ali Express for a stiff cover that is A4 size because they are so hard to find otherwise.

As I mentioned yesterday, I love all kinds of stationery goodness, so if you’re showing off your zine ideas book, please let me know!

Please let me know if you’re participating and where you’ll be posting so I can put your link/s on the daily list and other zinemakers can check out what you’re doing.

Happy ZineWriMo!


*Echo Publishing
*Crafty With Yarn