ZineWriMo ’22 Day 18 – Creative Spaces

Day 18! I’m so not ready for us to be this far into November. And I’m definitely not ready for certain decorations and music to be playing when I go out and about… But we won’t talk about that.

Our prompt for the day… drumroll

On the 18th day of ZineWriMo, we show off our creative spaces. My creative space just so happens to be a complete mess. While that’s life and I don’t mind showing it, part of the mess is arranging Christmas boxes for people who follow my socials. No spoilers here, thank you very much. So I will be cheeky and direct you to my your of the zine cave from earlier this year. Enjoy!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qhyBhYGcBU&w=560&h=315]

Please let me know if you’re participating and where you’ll be posting so I can put your link/s on the daily list and other zinemakers can check out what you’re doing.

Happy ZineWriMo!


*Crafty With Yarn
*Echo Publishing
*Laura Chenaut