Zine Review: Plaid Skirts & Converse #1

Plaid Skirts and Converse 1 Zine

Plaid Skirts & Converse #1

As I’m just diving into writing my fourth novel, I decided that a perzine about NaNoWriMo was a great way to bring in July.

In Plaid Skirts & Converse #1, Quinn takes us through her one-month journey of writing 50,000 words. It’s a combination of a writing diary, a scrapbook, novel notebook and excerpts. However, this zine isn’t all text…

I quite like how she was able to create actual pictures of her characters. (I’m not sure what program she used.) I think it’s nice to have visuals in the mix. There were some other pictures as well as some interesting ‘word art’ made out of the words that she used the most in her novel. (I tried to make one, but I couldn’t get Wordle to work.)

The ‘diary’ entries had me hooked right in, especially as tragedy struck on day one and words were lost. Oh, I cringed. Been there, lost words in similar ways… I almost want to keep a diary while I’m working.

I’m glad that she put an excerpt from her novel in the mix. I think I would have felt like something was missing had that not been a part of it.

On another note, though, this zine is an example of why, if you’re going to use your handwriting in your zine, you need to be confident that your handwriting is clear. I could read her writing for the most part, but I did have some trouble with it. On one hand, it’s totally appropriate and plays into the NaNoWriMo focus to have handwritten notes in there. But, again, it’s kind of riding that edge of readability in some spots.

As an author, it was great to get a glimpse into the mind of someone else writing a novel. By that, I think you’ll know whether you want to pick up this zine or not.

International Zine Month!

How have I almost missed this?!

So it would seem that July is International Zine Month, and I nearly missed it.

It would also seem that I can only find the 2015 list. That’s okay, though. 31 days is 31 days, after all. So, if you’d like to participate, here’s the list!

International Zine Month 2015

Happy Mail & Credit Where Credit is Due

This is one of those days where it was off from the start. Have you ever woken up with that feeling? As if you were getting out of bed when you weren’t supposed to or had already missed something important in the day.

That’s not to say the day was bad. Our power had to be shut off for part of the day due to some power line repairs, plans were changed several times, and things were confusing in general, but how can I complain about a day that contains such great happy mail?


A whole set of mini-zines came in the mail from Jessica in the US. Mini-zines! <3

2016-06-25 19.48.31

Fishpit went above and beyond with this envelope of zine goodness, including the latest Wiseblood.

2016-06-25 19.46.44

2016-06-25 19.47.36

And, of course, Fishspit showed why he’s current champion of the envelope art.



I think this envelope is the best yet.

That’s all for me right now. I had a small surgery on Friday that put me even further behind, so thank you to everyone understanding that it’s taking me a while to get the email situation back under control. I do have a planner thingy to help keep myself all kinds of organised now, so I’ll be back better than ever when I manage to catch up.

Spread the Word About Your Zine!

Zine Calls for Submissions

Share your call for submissions, announce your newest zine, let people know you are crowdfunding… If you have an announcement to make that has to do with zines, do it here! Sea Green Zines wants to be your megaphone. Even better? It’s an automatic shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when you advertise here.

Big fuzzy love hearts to those who have a .jpg call for subs, but all are welcome. Get in touch by emailing theauthor[at]inkyblots.com or comment below.

Zine Review: The Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages! #1

Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages Zine

The Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages! #1

I picked up this zine at Festival of the Photocopier, and it was a moment that made me really love the zine scene even more. This zine was one of many on a table that had no one sitting at it. There was simply a cup in the middle for you to put in whatever money you felt right.

Fantastic stuff. On with the review!

I must admit that I wasn’t sure if I would review this zine because, even though it’s a comic, I thought some of the humour might be wasted on me. Alas, you never know unless you try, and I have a habit of not regretting giving something a go.

This zine is no exception.

The comics in this zine are the kind of funny that you laugh at the ‘surface’, but any sort of additional thinking makes you realise that it falls into the ‘it’s a bit sad, too, because it’s true’ category. There’s definitely tongue-in-cheek and even a little stinging humour in there as well.

There is one comic that really got to me about medical debt. If there is one thing that riles me up, it’s medical debt. I grew up in the States where my health care was determined on the basis of whether my parents had the money to seek treatment. There was a lot of other stuff mixed up in there, but there should never, ever be a reason to hesitate when it comes to seeking healthcare for a child.

The comic ended appropriately with: This isn’t funny. It’s just sad.

All up, I was pleasantly surprised to find a lot more going on in this zine than I expected – and a lot more that I could identify with as a bonus. Definitely pick it up if you see a copy.

PS. Favourite quote? “If there are no more questions, I will now don my party hat and laugh maniacally.”

Zine Review: Wiseblood #64

Wiseblood 64 Zine

Wiseblood 64

If there is anything I love about reading a perzine series for a while, it’s having my assumptions about a person challenged. This issue of Wiseblood certainly did that for me in regards to Fishspit.

I feel like Wiseblood #64 is a bit nostalgic in ways that other issues aren’t. Past mistakes, childhood memories… I like ‘reflection’ mixed in with the current stuff. Especially when it’s not all sunshine and flowers stuff.

It’s not easy to admit when you’ve wronged someone, even in the quiet of writing your own zine. Fishspit would (will?) likely brush off the statement, but I have to tip my fedora to someone who up and admits it.

“I was never mean to Jessie…I just wasn’t good for her.”

As much as I don’t like needing to hunt down details like websites and such, I do like it when I can look into the actual zine content a bit more (if I want). It might be a song mentioned that I’ve never heard of before, a kind of coffee I’ve never tried… In this case, it happened to be “The Absinthe Drinker”. A bit of bonus content to pursue if I really like a zine.

I think Robert at MoreVerbs said it well when he said of Wiseblood:

Is it good? Definitely. Will you like it? That one is tougher.

I think with Wiseblood, you need to give it a go and see what you think.

Check out my reviews of Wiseblood #62 here and of #37 here.

Thinking of a Redesign

To be honest, I didn’t think I’d keep up with with Don’t Call Me Cupcake. Making it brings me a lot of joy, and I’m pretty good at self-sabotage.

But then people like Fishspit, Billy da Bunny, Black Wolf, Robert from MoreVerbs, LogPoes and others told me how much they’re enjoying them/taking from them/identifying with them… My zine about me became not just about me in its making (as it should be with zines).

So now as I am settling into making them at least semi-regularly, I’m looking at the design and thinking… Do I need a change?

Don't Call Me Cupcake Trio

Don’t get me wrong; I like the current design. Even if I do have to handcut cupcakes. A lot of cupcakes. But I’m thinking that with such similar covers but for the recent addition of titles and the changes in number (Don’t Call Me Cupcake 1, Don’t Call Me Cupcake 2, etc), they’re very similar.

I was thinking of a series of sketches for the front that, when put together, actually make their own comic. Something simple but funny involving Zine Ninja and cupcakes.

Alas, I don’t have any artistic skills and commercial licenses for images are a bit beyond my wallet at the moment.

I am, of course, up for other ideas even if I am a little married to the sketches I have in my head.

Still, what do you think? Could the design do with a reboot?

Little Thoughts…

Why is it that the most popular, longest lasting search on my site is ‘handwritten grocery shopping lists’?


The Annual ZICS Pozible Crowd Funding Campaign & Table Registration is LIVE


The annual Pozible crowd funding campaign & table registration is LIVE! The Zine & Indie Comic Symposium ’16 is back for our fourth & biggest year, but we need your help to make it happen! 2 day zine & indie comic fair, workshops & panels! ‪#‎20ZICSteen‬

ZICS Pozible
ZICS Facebook
ZICS Website

ZICS is a not-for-profit collective of passionate volunteers dedicated to connecting local zine and indie comic creators with the wider public. We strive to start inclusive conversations, collaborate on ideas, and share the art forms that we love.

We’ve been working hard since March to make this year the biggest ZICS yet, and now we need your help. As a not-for-profit group, we rely on your generosity to make this event happen. That’s where the Pozible campaign comes in. By pledging just five dollars of your hard-earned cash, you’ll be supporting Brisbane’s largest gathering of zine and indie comic enthusiasts. Alternatively you can help us out further by purchasing a T-shirt, zine and comic pack, or, if you’re super keen, purchasing a table and bringing your own zines and comics to ZICS.