My beautiful boy Asimov is at the vet’s, recovering from his third (and final! they finally found the problem) operation until tomorrow, so I’m trying to keep my mind occupied. What better way to do that than with admin stuff?
Here are some updates on site things, shop things and whatnot.
I’ve updated the Zine Videos page if you’d like to check that out. I’m adding more and more videos, and I’ve make a YouTube Zine Video Playlist for all of them if you’d like to check that out.
I’ve also updated my Available Zines page so you can not only see what I have available but you can buy directly from me as well if you’d like.
My Etsy shop is now 100% Sea Green Zines! My previous business name has lapsed, hence why I’ve finally decided to switch over my Etsy shop name. You can now get there by using
I also have plenty of new zines listed there:
*Hairy is a simple illustrated zine about body hair caused by PCOS.
*DAFUQ You Say? is a mini-zine full of the weird and wonderful things I’ve heard people say. Taken completely out of context, of course.
*What’s All This Then? is a mini-zine introduction to what zines are all about.
*Dear Anonymous 6 is complete and now available as both physical and digital.
I am very, very happy to announce that Umbrella – A PCOS Zine – is now finished and is also available in physical and digital forms.
That’s all from me for today. I have a lot more to do and a lot more zines to make, so I’m off for the day!