Happy Mail Monday – Sleepy Edition

Hello, zine friends!

My apologies for the late happy mail post. The beat goes forever on, yes? New medications have left me feeling very, very sleepy, so I am running behind with my entire life at the moment. Haha. Such is the way, eh?

But the beat goes on, and I have some lovely happy mail to share with you!

Does this postcard remind anyone else of Mona Lisa? Isn’t it cool? Billy the Bunny has landed in Baltimore and sent me this awesome postcard to let me know his new mailing address.

Thank you for the gorgeous postcard – and the address update!

I’ve been chatting with Dara since before the move, and I’m happy to see these zine arrive safely from overseas. I’ve been looking forward to reading these since Dara first described them. If you’re wondering what I’m on about, then check out the New Zine Announcement for Intimacies.

Thank you, Dara!

Sober Bob is making a free weekly zine! Yes! Haha. I love it. With the end of Billy’s The Life and Times of Billy Roberts, I have started telling people (again) that they should make zines about their lives and send them to me. Lo and behold, I didn’t even have to ask, and Sober Bob generously put me on the mailing list. Thank you!

This one actually snuck in today’s mail, and I am very happy to see it. I traded for The Ken Chronicles 44 with Ken on We Make Zines. I reviewed The Ken Chronicles 33 back in 2014 and quite enjoyed it. It’ll be interesting to see how Ken has changed and stayed the same.

Thank you, Ken!

So many zines in the mail this week, I love it! Thank you so much, and thank you to everyone who reads these posts.

This is where I usually say that’s me for the day, but I’ll be back soon with a banner for ZineWriMo. 🙂