#ZineWriMo Day 29 – WIP Wednesday

Hello, zine friends! It’s the last WIP Wednesday of ZineWriMo 2017! I hope you were able to get your zine on today or have already accomplished your goals so you didn’t need the work day.

I am very happy to say that I have finished Don’t Call Me Cupcake 9.5!

It’s so cute to see a mini DCMC. Haha. When I was trying to write about my move, everything felt too big and messy for one zine. I put this one series of events in a mini-zine of its own to help me process it away from everything else.

I actually almost stopped at one point, the doubts closing in, but I withheld judgement until I finished it. I am so glad I did. I think it works as its own zine, its own event.

I also have all the writing, proofing, and printing done for Don’t Call Me Cupcake 9. I just have to assemble the zines. I love this part!

That’s me for today. Feel free to leave links in the comments to your works in progress.

2 Replies to “#ZineWriMo Day 29 – WIP Wednesday”

  1. I’m quite behind on my zine-making… I started working on a mini-zine about self-care but don’t think I’ll be able to get it finished for tomorrow. But anyway, I started it, that’s something. I also started a “DIY tourist zine” about Brussels. Do you think tourist zines can be a genre of zines? 🙂 They can be similar to travel zines sometimes, but still not exactly the same. I also wanted to make a zine travel kit and a “make a zine” kit but didn’t have time yet. Next month maybe! 🙂

    1. A start is better than not starting.^_^ I definitely think that tourist zines can be there own genre. Put a spin on the travel zine genre and make it your own!

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