Mini Zine Series Review: Sensitive Adult

Sensitive Adult
Darcy Rock
FB & IG: @sensitiveadultdaily

Sensitive Adult is a free, A6, black and white zine series about emotional sensitivity and being a sensitive adult.

There is a strange sort of comraderie to be found in mutual unease with the world. I’ve always considered myself to be a bit too sensitive for the world, so this series was immediately appealing.

Through this series, Darcy touches on different subjects in a sort of ‘thoughts of the moment’ style rather than necessarily something that follows one to the next or needs to be read in any particular order. Medication, unemployment, unhealthy coping skills – Darcy covers many subjects with a writing style that is contemplative while also not getting lost within the subject at hand.

I identified a lot with what Darcy wrote on everything, marking bits here and there that resonated with me in every single issue.

What started off as (and still, in many ways, is) as a smiling, nodding along ‘that’s so me’ series of zine reads became very serious for me with the last one I read “On Death: How I imagine the end of my life”. I once again had to tip my hat to the realisations that perzines can bring in how it changed my perspective on what I thought was a good way to live my life.

If you see these zines, pick them up. It’s always a good thing to take in different perspectives, and you might just find out a thing or two that you didn’t know before.

5 Replies to “Mini Zine Series Review: Sensitive Adult”

      1. Huh. You used to be able to get them on their website, but it looks like the website is under construction at the moment. I’m afraid I’m not sure where else to get them other than at Sticky Institute in Melbourne. They are @sensitiveadultdaily on Instagram if you want to get in touch directly.

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