ZineWriMo Day 18 – Warm Up – Stream of Consciousness Writing

Hello and happy Thursday, zine friends. I don’t know about you, but I feel well and truly out of sorts. Today is Thursday? Thank goodness for calendars because I wouldn’t have been able to tell you what day it is. And thank goodness for the prompts list for today’s prompt.

Day 18 – Warm Up – Stream of Consciousness Writing – No thinking, just writing

I have a lot of feels happening at the moment, so the timing of this prompt ended up being so very good. There’s something about just writing my heart out that is somehow exhausting and yet so satisfying at the same time. For me, it’s pushing against the wall of ‘should’ – should be good writing, should be pretty writing, should stay positive, show not write anything negative – to get past it and to real, raw thoughts.

Even better, you can make a ritual of it. You can keep the writing, tear up the writing, burn the writing (my favourite), or a multitude of other things.

So give yourself plenty of time and space to write things out (but there is a time and place to stop if you go to dark places!) and explore your mind.


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

PS. Now I can’t get this song out of my head:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oieBnV_HFB0&w=425&h=315]