#ZineWriMo Day 9 – Make a Zine For a Cause

Hello, zine friends! I have no idea what’s going on in my brain, but I keep thinking it’s the 8th or the 10th. My brain just doesn’t want to accept the existence of the 9th.

Anyway, it is day nine of ZineWriMo, which means today is ‘Make a Zine for a Cause’!

This can be your local animal shelter or the Breast Cancer Foundation. It doesn’t matter what the cause is or the size of the cause; it’s about getting the word out there.

I got started rather late in the day, but I knew what cause I wanted to make a zine about…

Okay, so it’s a cause slash awareness thing in that there is a bias when you call it ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’, but people listen when you say the scientific name: myalgic encephalomyelitis. So my cause is CFS awareness but also the bias in the name.

Remember back when I said these daily prompts are meant to be fun – not stressful?

That’s why I am not stressing when I say… I didn’t finish the zine. Mini-zines are always more work than I think they are, and I don’t want zines to ever be a stress-causer in my life. (I’m not in love with the cover either, to be honest.) So I am going to call it at that for the day and say that a start is better than not starting.

How’d you go with today? What causes did you champion? Let me know in the comments.

PS. There won’t be any zine reviews this week, but it’s only a two-day blip. Zine reviews will be back and rocking next week.

2 Replies to “#ZineWriMo Day 9 – Make a Zine For a Cause”

  1. Quote: “Mini-zines are always more work than I think they are”: Truer words have never been spoken! 😀 [you might have noticed that I’m going through all your zinewrimo posts at once, as I’ve missed out on them due to living in flu land/the aftermath of living in flu land :-D]

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