A Quick Note About Zine Sizes

Hello, zine friends! This came up on the Zine Discord server, so I thought I would mention it here.

In my reviews, I try to mention what size a zine is. Not so much with the number of pages but with the actual size of the zines are. However, you may have noticed that I switch between the international “A” system and just saying “1/2 size” or “1/4” size.

This, believe it or not, is intentional.

When I say something is A5, A6, etc, well, that’s because it’s made to the dimensions of the “A” system. When I say “1/2 fold” or “1/4 size”, that’s when I’m referencing US sizes (or ‘not quite ‘A’ sizes’).

If it’s at all confusing, here is a rough – and I mean rough – idea of how they equal each other.

A4 = full page/full piece of paper
A5 = 1/2 fold
A6 = 1/4 size
A7 = one-page folded mini-zine

It’s by no means an exact method – the measurements definitely aren’t the same. However, it may give you a better idea of what I’m talking about if you were at all confused.

Until next time!

Happy Mail Monday: Zines Aren’t Dead Edition


Hello, zine friends! Welcome to the start of a new week. It’s a bit of a humid, rainy start to the week around these parts, but I’m happy for it given the heat we’ve been dealing with. Bleugh.

Last week was such a zine-filled week! Ah, I love seeing something in the post box so much. So much. I don’t get out much so this makes me really happy level of happiness.

Ahem. Enough about that. Let’s check out the mail!

I love that Nina from Echo Publishing and I have reached the point where we just send each other mail without it needing to be an ‘official’ zine trade and such. I do so much better when I can just send mail when I have the money for stamps. Hahaha.

I am always absolutely thrilled to see anything from Nina in the mail, and this envelope was chock full of zine goodness. Eee! Thank you, Nina!

Oh, the timing! This zine mail is from Jason Rodgers – and I was just reading some of his writing in Cuneiform 17! If that’s not some cool timing of the zineverse, then I don’t know what is.

Thank you, Jason!

Grooooooooooooound! Woo! Remember Ground Issue 1? Well these are issues two and three! Wow am I so excited. It’s sooo cool to know the people making the zines and avoiding my childhood frustration of having no idea where to get the next issues of a comic.

Now I know the people who make the comics. Kid? Meet lolly shop.

Thanks so much to Lee for sending these along with a pin for my collection!

This is from a couple of new zine friends from the UK, Mark and Christine. I love the note they sent along with one part reading, “…starting to become aware that zines did not die in the 70s!” How funny is that? I love it!

No, zine friends, zines are alive, kicking, and making me feel the warm fuzzies in my hearts. Thank you so much for sending me your zine to review!

A huge thanks to everyone who takes the time and the stamps to send me zines and other goodies, making my world a brighter and happier place to live in.

My best wishes to you all for a beautiful week. Until next time!

Zine Review: Spaced Out

Spaced Out
Hollie F

Spaced Out is an A5 full colour art zine about mental illness and identity.

In this zine, Hollie takes us on a journey through her mind with images and short snippets of writing. It’s difficult not to feel the enormity and vast loneliness of the zine with most pages containing galaxy patterns and/or a wide spectrum of blues.

As sombre as this zine is, I like that Hollie doesn’t name any particular illnesses or conditions. I think that makes the art and the sentiments all the more relateable.

Hollie’s drawing style is lovely (definitely check out her Instagram) with nice, thick lines and just enough little details to accent the work as a whole. The entirety of the zine is gorgeous.

Definitely grab a copy.

Zine Review: Catzine 2

Catzine 2
Fafa Jaepelt & Others

Catzine 2 is an A5 black and white comic zine featuring cats!

Also, it’s in Portuguese.

Despite me not knowing a word of Portuguese, Henry and Fafa were kind enough to send me Catzine 1, and I absolutely loved it. Lo and behold, here is Catzine 2, and I am loving it even more! (Though if there is a Catzine 3, I think I should start learning Portuguese, yes?)

I’ve enjoyed making a little game of ‘what does it actually mean’ in which I look at a comic, guess what it’s about, and then translate the words to see if I’m right. I did pause once, though, and laughed at the whole delay involved in getting to the punchline when you have to type each bit into Google translate.

The comic wasn’t all laughs, however. There is one comic about being in the moment with those you love while they are around that really broke my heart. The art was so good that I didn’t need translate all that much to understand the story.

Like with Catzine 1, the art is fantastic. I love the variety, but I also noticed more of Fafa’s art involved, which is absolutely good by me. I also liked the little touches like printing on cream paper instead of white and vellum acting as an inner cover.

When you love something, you love something, and I love cats. I hope Catzine 3 exists or is on its way. If you love cats, check out this zine.

All You Need is Zine Love – The Zine Collector Podcast Episode 002

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bht7AYQYDfI&w=560&h=315]

Hello, zine friends!

Surprise! Here’s episode two. 🙂

Want to listen to the podcast? Find me at: https://shows.pippa.io/thezinecollector

Also on Pocket Casts https://play.pocketcasts.com and Cast Box https://castbox.fm

In this episode of The Zine Collector, I talk about defining zines and how people often make zines before hearing the word ‘zine’.


Links Mentioned This Episode:

*Stolen Sharpie Revolution: https://portlandbuttonworks.com/stolen-sharpie-revolution-a-diy-resource-for-zines-and-zine-culture
*Meta Zine: http://www.leekinginc.com/xeroxdebt/metazine.htm
*@latibule: https://twitter.com/spr0utface
*@byDhiyanah: https://twitter.com/byDhiyanah
*Meta Paradox 1 by Olivia: https://www.patreon.com/oliviaszines
*Proof I Exist by Billy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/iknowbilly
*Crafty ‘Friendship Zines’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQOhpeFAL7s
*We Make Zines: http://wemakezines.com/
*@Fanzines: https://twitter.com/fanzines
*Zine World Calendar: http://bit.ly/2lAVSYK

You Can Find Me At:

Sea Green Zines: https://seagreenzines.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeaGreenZines/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seagreenzines/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zineninja
Etsy: https://www.seagreenzines.etsy.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seagreenzines
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGzyDIb85hSvcwPsDQIP4Qg

My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

Spanish Summer by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/

Happy Mail: Sweets Edition

Hello, zine friends!

Is it Monday already? The weekend went way too fast for me. Then again, that sort of thing is bound to happen when you rarely stop working and struggle to, you know, take a day off every now and then. Haha.

This week’s happy mail was such a surprise! Let’s dive right in.

Given I hadn’t yet replied (it’s now in the mail!) to the last letter from Anna, this one was very much a surprise. A lovely little note and some fun buttons for my collection! These both remind me of my high school days. I was all about smiley faces and writing back then. I love the nostalgia. Thanks so much, Anna!

Wowza! When Xyendra mentioned that we could do a trade because they had some zines from my wishlist, I wasn’t expecting this! It’s like Christmas and my birthday!

I am so excited to start reading these. So many zines to cross off the wish list! My gosh – the generosity. I am just utterly gobsmacked.

Chocolate. Chocolate from Canada. Different kinds of chocolate from Canada to try. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

My gosh. I have a sweet tooth like no other, and I love chocolate. So, so good. Yes, I’ve already tried some, and Xyendra has excellent taste. EEE! I can’t believe someone sent me chocolate! ^_^

What could possibly make me any happier than receiving zines and chocolate? A super cute pen! A super cute pen with a cupcake on top for my perzine series Don’t Call Me Cupcake. How gorgeous is that.

Thank you so much, Xyendra.

A massive thank you to Anna, Xyendra, and everyone who takes time out of their days to check out the blog and send me such lovely zines and bits and bobs that brighten up my world bubble.

That’s me for today, friends. I hope the start to your week is a good one.

Until next time!