Happy Zine Mail Monday!

It’s that time again, and you know how much I love mail…


I am so lucky to have received such great mail. Talk about making my days happy through postal generosity.

The first is Wanderluster Zine #1 (I do love it when I can start with the very first zine in a series).

Wanderluster Zine 1

I saw these at the Festival of the Photocopier just as I realised that I’d run out of money. Boo. But I managed to snag myself a copy on the Wanderluster Etsy shop.

As you can imagine, I love zines about mail.

Next, Fishspit surprised me by sending the latest issue of his zine Wiseblood. (To check out my reviews of a couple of his zines, take a look at my Zine Review Index.)

WiseBlood Zine Mail

I have to say, his mail/envelope art is probably the most unique that I’ve ever had the pleasure of receiving.

Wise Blood Mail Art 1

WiseBlood Mail Art 2

Last but definitely not least, we have a long-awaited pack of EPIC zine mail goodness from Billy da Bunny!

Billy da Bunny Zine Mail

There is so much going on in this post goodness that I can hardly contain myself. The zine “A Good Place to Start” is one I contributed to along with zinesters around the world. This issue is about local music. I’m proud to say that I got Billy hooked on some local Australian fare.

There’s also a note from Billy, a copy of his zine “Proof I Exist”, some stickers and such, AND *drumroll*…

Zinester Trading Cards

Zinester trading cards! Billy’s brain baby of zinester trading cards had me from the get go, and I was lucky enough to get a trading card of me in as part of the series!

And now I have them all! Mwhahahahaha.


Billy did have sets in his Etsy store, but you might have to get in contact if you want some as they aren’t listed at the moment.

Amazing mail week indeed! Love, love, love it. No chocolate, but the world can’t be perfect. 😉

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