The Great Easter Sleep


Last week I talked about depression starting to get the better of me. Thanks to the power of scheduled posting as well as knowing when to give in and sleep however much I needed to sleep, things are looking brighter.

Not literally, though. It’s quite overcast and dreary out. You win some, you lose some.

I did go out for groceries with Wanderer and almost completely melted into a puddle of tears, so I know that I need to take things easy on myself and not rush back into ‘normal’. I let go (mostly) of what I thought I ‘should’ be doing and went with the flow. A flow that led me to sleeping more on Easter than I have in a long time, but that’s okay.

A lot of good things have been happening, though, to help lift things. Where I may not be able to help some friends in dark times, I am able to help others in need. The generosity of people who donated to my Kickstarter so far is wonderful. I might not reach the goal, but I’ll still have a good feeling about the generosity of strangers.


3 Replies to “The Great Easter Sleep”

  1. Glad to hear that things are looking brighter, hopefully they’ll continue too (and that the weather might pick up the hint – I know for myself that a blue sky makes a big difference in my mood and motivation 🙂 )

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