I promised myself some ‘relax and zine’ time this weekend, and I actually managed to keep the promise to myself. Here be the first letter laid out for Dear Anonymous V2.
Of course, it won’t look this way once it’s has been copied, but I sort of like this original with ends sticking out because I only stuck down enough for it to stay put in the copy machine.
With Dear Anonymous, I always start with the letter that goes in the middle of the edition – what I think of as the ‘feature letter’ because it stirs the most emotions in me. This letter – actually three pages long – is a bit different from the last issue. People who have DA V1 will see that I’ve changed things up a bit…
When I receive a letter for Dear Anonymous, I usually immediately ‘see’ what should go with the letter. The pictures that accompanied the letters in DA 1 were ‘flashes of insight’ that I followed. Sometimes much to my annoyance, as I am in no way good at drawing. But the flashes never failed to come, so I went with them.
The moment I read this letter, I knew I wouldn’t be handwriting it. I couldn’t. I couldn’t add my personal flavour or touch because it needed to stand on it’s own. This letter needed to be heard. I still consider the arrangement of the words to be art, but secondary to the letter as it should be.
When you read the letter, you’ll understand why.
So here it is, a peek into DA2 along with a little insight into the process that goes into putting Dear Anonymous together. This issue is going to be bigger and a bit different to DA1, so I hope you enjoy.
And, as always, I’m looking for submissions.
wow. beautiful piece of work, really impressed me. it reminds me of the art i did when i was 16 – cut out words stuck on paper and photopcopied on laminate. i still have them.
thanks for the post 😉 xx
Thanks! 🙂