Sea Green Zine Ninja

Remember Purple Moose?

Well, being a favourite, erm, ‘companion’ of both my cat and my puppy, Purple Moose has seen better days. He has decided to retire from the trials of being a zine mascot and to pursue things like bookshelf life and knitting.

However, he did not leave me completely alone. Say hello to the Sea Green Zine Ninja:

The zine ninja and I spent the afternoon of my birthday together. It turns out he’s just as fond of hotel rooms as I am.

And strawberries.

And stealing hotel room bikkies. He doesn’t eat the bikkies, mind you. It’s the stealing that is the enjoyable part.

Hopefully you will be seeing more of the Sea Green Zine Ninja while we get to know each other, hopefully decide on a much shorter name and make zines.