The Occupy Melbourne zine is done and ready for copying, topping out at both my quickest made zine as well as my longest zine (30 pages). Though Occupy Melbourne (and Sydney, for that matter) no longer have libraries to donate to because of this:
But that doesn’t mean anything is stopping. Melbourne and Sydney are still grouping. I am still planning on sending out copies (unbound, so those who receive can copy as they please) of my zine to ‘occupy’ libraries. I want the world to know what happened in Australia and I want them to know how occupy movements came together in support.
If anyone would like to contribute to another zine like this and/or if you know the PO boxes of occupy movements, please let me know.
Occupy Melbourne Zine
I may claim that I’m still ‘just thinking about it’, but I’m doing a little more than thinking. I put this together as a front cover.
It’s not as impressive in black and white, which I will have to print most – if not all – of them in. But I still like it as a colour. I want it to show that we’re all in this together on a worldwide scale.
Again, if anyone wants to contribute, be it with a quote, poem, diary entry, whatever, let me know. As long as you’re cool with it going in the zine, it’s all good. I’m happy to include links if you direct me with a blog entry that you would like to include.
I’m also happy to take screen shots if you have some gold in them Twitter hills. 😉 Haha.
Occupying My Mind
I know I haven’t been there for ages, and I’m not sure if anyone is listening anymore. That’s okay; I wouldn’t blame anyone for that. Illness and depression took me away from zine making for a long space of time, and even I am hesitant to now say that I am back for the long haul.
But that’s what inspiration does; it grabs you and forces you to pay attention…
I am tentatively thinking about putting together an ‘Occupy Melbourne’ zine, so if you attended that or an Occupy movement near you, please leave a comment. I’d love to get some quotes, pictures, letters, etc.
Here are some pictures from Day One of Occupy Melbourne.