I Want to Be a Distro When I Grow Up

This may be strange coming from someone who has posted less than ten times in the past year, but it’s true. I want to run a distro someday.

There’s way too much on my plate right now to do so – even from my home. But once the big items on my to-do list are taken care of, who knows? I have been visiting the online spaces of distros… or, at least, what used to be distros. Many of them have shut down or halted business indefinitely.

I’d love to set up a distro. Someday…

Pozible Countdown

There are only 71 hours left to go on my Pozible Project. Be a part of publishing Fading Echoes, and get some great prizes in return.

Also check out the project page to see a video of me answering some frequently asked questions about the book.

***Everyone who donates – regardless of amount – will be entered in a draw for a prize pack from me! Included are signed copies of Echo Falls and Fading Echoes, a bookmark, and a sterling silver wolf charm on a silver necklace.***

Happy New Year!

As you no doubt noticed, things got a little slack here in the last half of last year. That’s because I took up being a full time student and got lost in the mix there.

But now I am back in action, and I will be posting more here again. Get ready for more stuff from yours truly.

And if you are a zine creator, don’t be shy about contacting me! I love to help promote fellow zinesters.