Zine Review: The Other Herald

The Other Herald V4I7

Title: The Other Herald V4 I7
Author: The Other Herald
Type: Magazine size (?) single sheet
Author Site(s): http://www.otherherald.com/

Review: I’m pretty sure this is one I have bought off Etsy, and it has to be the best example of economical use of space I have ever seen. With quotes and writing prompts running along the edges, this single piece of paper is packed with a lot of content.

I like the whole concept with this one. While it is quite a lot for the eyes to take in, it actually made me feel like I was getting really good value for money spent. The fact that it’s on volume four, issue seven already says a lot of people agree with me.

The Other Herald has a very professional feel about it, down to the contact details and submission details on the back. A great zine that all beginners should have a look at, I reckon.

STATUS: For Trade

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