Don’t Call Me Cupcake – My First Perzine!


It’s finished! My very first perzine – Don’t Call Me Cupcake – is finished, and it’s available on Etsy!



This issue focuses mostly on mental health stuff – my long road to finding a therapist I like, being in ‘bipolar denial’ for years, art therapy and so on. But I have a couple other things in there too, like how to get in touch plus a zine review!

Please check it out and let me know what you think. I want this to be the first of many.

Call for Submissions: Girl Love


hello! me and a friend are working on a zine called Girl Love and we’d love your contributions. it could be anything, like gendered language, girl hate, safety on a night out, how girls are brought up to see each other as competition, how to make your group more inclusive, girls working together now/ in history… or any of your ideas.

if you want to chat about an idea, message one of us or email

please share this with anyone who might be interested xx

Do you have a call for submissions for your zine? Let me know!

Zine Ninja Approves – SGZ on Etsy!


Zine Ninja approves of all the Sea Green Zines.

I am happy to announce that all Sea Green Zines (Dear Anonymous 1 & 2, Occupy Melbourne, The Perfect Pocket Guinness Guide) are now available on the InkyBlots Etsy Store.


A special note: I’ve printed off 40 copies of Occupy Melbourne… and those are the last 40 copies that will be printed.

Yep, I am retiring one of my zines. I might be retiring the Guinness mini-zine as well, but I’m undecided at the moment. So if you’d like any of these, now you know where you can get them.