Call for Submissions: Dear Anonymous 3


Dear Anonymous 3 is on its way and I’m looking for letters!

These letters can be confessionals, but they can also be whatever you like them to be. Write to your life, write to your cat, write to your past or your future… Dear Anonymous is about writing the letters of the things you can’t say for whatever reason.

Basically, you’re right in the 1 – 500 words range, but shorter is better. BUT, this zine is about expression, and I don’t want to force anyone to clamp down on their passion just for me. I’m flexible.

Send letters to theauthor at If I don’t respond to you within a few days, comment here.

All contributors will receive a copy.


Do you have a call for submissions for your zine? Let me know!

Call for Submissions: Falling Apart

This is a call for submissions about a zine dealing with Grief & Death called: “Falling Apart”

Looking for contributors. Submissions can be written pieces (500 to 700 words), art, drawings, poetry, cartoons, comic strips, etc.

Submissions should be about someone you know who has died: parent, sibling, significant other, child, cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, mentor, close friend, etc.

Can be queer focused or not, atheist, deal with religion,spirituality, disability, mental illness, oppression, isolation, grief groups, abandonment, community, therapy, solitude…..

How are you dealing with your grief over their death? Who were they? How did they die?

Am accepting submissions until January 15th, 2015 and as compensation, each contributor will receive a free copy of the zine upon completion.

If interested, you can send your submissions to:

Do you have a call for submissions for your zine? Let me know!

Happy Mail!

Okay, so technically I received this in the mail a while ago, but I want to start featuring the zines I get, so here we go. (I am a tad obsessed with postal mail…)

Ken Chronicles 33

The Ken Chronicles! This zine is a trade from Ken himself on We Make Zines. I always have to research the hell out of any project I want to take on – including making my first perzine. While Don’t Call Me Cupcake 1 is out in the world, that doesn’t mean the research ends!

I’ll keep the rest of my comments for the review.

Mail <3

A Bit of a Pickle: Zine Reviews

I think zine reviews could really help round out this blog. (And give it more content. Let’s just call that kettle black.) I was doing reviews for a while before life took me away to other things.

Now that I’m ‘back’, I’ve learned a few things about review in the book world. Specifically, I’ve learned about the stigma that exists against authors doing reviews of other books. The thinking is that there is some sort of conflict of interest (I’m not sure how, as any writer worth their brass does a lot of reading) but also in that it opens the author to ‘revenge reviews’ and the like.

I’d like to think that sort of nonsense doesn’t exist in the zine world, but am I naive in thinking so? In hoping so?

I’ll probably go ahead and do it anyway, but if people aren’t inclined to me doing so… shout out!

And Now for Something Completely Different


In another life, I am not The Author or Nyx – I am an author. (If you’re curious about that stuff, I have an author blog.) I try to keep my zine life and my author life somewhat separate for the sake of my sanity aka organisation. But there is a bit of crossover needed on some occasions.

This is one of those times.

My third novel, Dark Echoes, has been been nominated by AusRomToday for the Cover of the Year Award. I’m very excited to have made it through the nomination round to be one of the ten finalists in the category.

This final round of voting is now up to the public and will be determined by the cover that gets the greatest amount of likes. There’s no signing up for anything, needing to like a page – it’s looking at the ten contestants and giving a like to the cover you think is the best of the lot. If you click the graphic at the top of this post, it’ll take you to the album. Click on the cover you like and then give the one you like the best a like.

It’s that easy.

There are a lot of great covers there, so definitely check everyone out. I do think, though, that Dark Echoes is in with a chance.

If I do win, it won’t be me alone winning. The business I get my covers from – Cohesion – is a small, local business on the way up. The cover designer himself (who works with Cohesion) is from the UK (and is amazing).

If, for some reason, clicking on the image doesn’t work, here is the direct link to the album where you can like to vote:

Many, many thanks from a self-publisher who dreams of success.

Call for Submissions: Girl Love


hello! me and a friend are working on a zine called Girl Love and we’d love your contributions. it could be anything, like gendered language, girl hate, safety on a night out, how girls are brought up to see each other as competition, how to make your group more inclusive, girls working together now/ in history… or any of your ideas.

if you want to chat about an idea, message one of us or email

please share this with anyone who might be interested xx

Do you have a call for submissions for your zine? Let me know!