Look What I’ve Found! Sticky Institute Short Documentary

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwLfG2W0wCc&w=560&h=315]

“Kevin McDowell’s My Tribe documentary, about Sticky Institute in Melbourne, for ABC Pool.”

I have a habit of ‘wandering’ YouTube when I have some time, trying to see what treasures and what weirdness I can find. I think this short documentary about Sticky is quite good.

And a bonus!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01zap17j_FM&w=560&h=315]

“Located under Flinders St Station, Sticky Institute is a one-stop shop for zines of all kinds. Adriana heads along to this creative space to find out all about zine making and what kind of publications are on offer.”

PSA: Sending Stuff to Australia AKA Postage Piss-Offs

Postage to and from Australia can be a bit of a piss off.


We’re kind of stuck here with a long way to go to get anywhere. So, of course postage is going to suck. Even so, you can imagine my shock when a potential trade went up in smoke because:

I went to the post office… and they wanted to charge me over $20 to send three zines.

Wait… wait… What?

I know we’re far away and all, but in no universe does it cost that much to send zines to Australia. I took a couple pictures to prove it:


This envelope contained three zines (US half-fold), a greeting-type card and a business card.


This one contained one zine (US half-fold), a mini-zine, and a single-page note.

If your post office tries to tell you that sending a few zines costs more than $20:

1. Make sure they are charging for letter post, not parcel post. I’m not sure if those are the exact categories in US mail, but it all comes down to sending documents versus sending other items.

2. Ask for other shipping options. They might be trying to put you down for first class, express shipping or some other such stuff. They might be assuming that you want extra cover, sign at the door, blah blah blah.

3. If they still insist that it’s $20+ (and you’re definitely sending paper material only), then screw them and either go to another office or go pre-paid. Even a pre-paid First-Class Mail® International Large Envelope only costs $12.60 USD. How do I know?

4. Look it up on the USPS International Postage Calculator. If you do that, then you can say you did that and hold them accountable.

There’s my little rant for the day. It may seem like a small thing to some, but it’s definitely not to me. For reasons.

Happy Mail!

Happy mail, happy mail…

This week’s mail post is coming a little bit later than anticipated. I have been quite busy with my Etsy store, custom work, requests for my mad editor skills, and so on. Woo! Heaps on. I am so ready for a holiday. Anyway… to the mail!


This lovely is a trade from Sarah who has a StoreEnvy shop for her zines.


This is a trade for my Perfect Pocket Guinness Guide. It’s technically a free zine, but postage to Australia warrants a trade. Trade made possible by Zines A Go Go.


Last, another trade. This time, it was with Jenn Suxx on WMZ. Funnily enough, she mentioned international mail making her nervous, and the envelope arrived like this…


Not the worst condition I’ve ever received something in, but it had a rough adventure here. The good news is that the zines inside are in perfect condition.

Well, back to it! Plenty left to do!

Call for Submissions: badhouse zine

The zine will be posted on Tumblr (like And I Get To Tend The Rabbits! was) and put up to be downloaded for free online.

At badhouse we think that there’s a lot more we could all be doing as writers to be more social, more inclusive, and more supportive of each other’s art, so we’ll be encouraging all contributors to get in contact with one another, and ultimately we’re going to try and build a real community around this zine and any others we put out in the future.

To honour this, the theme of this first zine will be “community”. You can interpret this however you like. You can write about how communities can be positive, broken, shallow. You could send a photograph of a community. You can be abstract or literal. You can ignore the theme altogether if your work is exceptional enough!

If you make it, we want to see it! Poems, short stories, essays, visual art — whatever! If it can be printed, submit it!

So if you want to get to know some fellow writers, be there to help badhouse take its first steps, and if you’ve got something relevant lying around or have the time to put something relevant together, send it over to contact.badhouse@gmail.com

Submissions will close on January 9th, and we aim to have the zine out there by late January/early February.

Good luck!

Call for Submissions: Egg Zine!


Announcing open Submissions for Egg Zine: A Fanzine for Eggs! To be released early next year as full color a pay what you can PDF.

I’m very excited to be editing my first group zine. We’ve already gotten many great private submissions for the project but now it’s time to open submissions for everyone.

We’re looking for any work related to eggs. Comics, poems, short stories, illustration, recipes, anything!

Technical notes: full color, keep the size to about 5.5” x 8”, up to four pages.

Please send all submissions, questions, concerns, etc. to Joshua Jarrett at legit.email.address at gmail.com And remember the cut off date for submissions is New Years Day 2015.

I can’t wait to see the work and remember to like and reblog this post to spread the word!

Also, a special thanks to Lindsey for her great work on this poster!


Nyx says: How awesome is this? Eggs!

SGZ Now Open for Zine Reviews! + Podcast

Yesterday, I found out that a good way to get over hating your own voice is to make an eight minute audio track and then edit it. Wowza.

Audacity makes the whole thing pretty easy – recording, editing, etc – according to someone who doesn’t know much about audio… mechanics? Engineering? I even got to recognise what my taking a breath looks like in an audio file so I could easily delete it.

I swear I deleted at least ten seconds of breath noises alone.

I’m pretty happy with the results, given it’s the first time I’ve done it. By the end, I was quite enjoying the process and had grown somewhat used to my voice.

But it won’t be happening again soon.

I hate to say it because I’m actually eager to give it another go, but I just can’t make that time commitment to something that’s purely for the sake of itself. I spent a long time editing that file (you’ll notice it’s about six and a half minutes now as opposed to eight). Hours of editing. I’m not in a place where I can add that kind of time onto what I’m already doing. So text it is for now.

I don’t want to let all that work go to waste, though. Even if it was only for a one off. Here is my ‘podcast’ where I talk about zines and zine reviews. I hope you like it.

[gigya src=”https://abfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/swf/audioboom_default_player_v1.swf” style=”background-color:transparent; display:block; min-width:300px; max-width:700px;” flashvars=”image_option=none&imgURL=&link_color=%2300a100&mp3Author=seagreenzines&mp3Duration=394902.0&mp3LinkURL=https%3A%2F%2Faudioboom.com%2Fboos%2F2703562-nyx-talks-about-zine-reviews&mp3Time=03.30am+04+Dec+2014&mp3Title=Nyx+Talks+About+Zine+Reviews&mp3URL=https%3A%2F%2Faudioboom.com%2Fboos%2F2703562-nyx-talks-about-zine-reviews.mp3%3Fsource%3Dwordpress&player_theme=light&rootID=boo_player_1&show_title=true&waveimgURL=https%3A%2F%2Fd15mj6e6qmt1na.cloudfront.net%2Fi%2Fw%2F1574538″ width=”480″ height=”150″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent”]


*SGZ is now open for reviews!
*I’m not reviewing e-zines at this point.
*I’m not going to put street addresses in my reviews – only PO boxes
*I won’t put up one star or two star equivalent reviews. If a zine just doesn’t work for me, I will pass it on. It won’t sit in a drawer.
*More audio spots probably won’t happen for a while.

Social Media Stuff

Well, I wouldn’t call it procrastinating, but…


Zine Ninja isn’t all that impressed with Twitter (then again, it’s hard to tell with him), but he seems to like having his own Twitter account. Especially when he figured out that his feed could be filled with all sorts of zine-ish tweets. So if you like Twitter and want to check it out, click here or find him at @zineninja

This definitely doesn’t count as procrastinating because I set it up a long time ago. SeaGreenZine also has a Facebook page. It’s mostly a feed for blog and Twitter posts, but who knows what it might turn into?

Side Note: What’s a Friend Book?

I mentioned Friend/ship Books in my Happy Mail post this week, and a question came up as to what the things are.

Friendship books (also known as “FBs” in their abbreviated form) are small booklets made by stapling paper together, or are sometimes just sheets or strips of paper. They are usually decorated and the person who starts the book writes their name and address as the first person sending the book. People often include a list of interests as well. The FB is then passed around from penpal to penpal, and can often also become a way for one to meet new penpals. Most people hope to see the book again once it is full so they add their return address to the back cover of the book too, or inscribe “Return to Sender” on it. People also sometimes make FBs for someone else rather than themselves, in which case they write the name and address of the recipient on the front/at the top. Some people find friendship books fun because you can see where they have been in a trail back to the original sender/recipient.


Here is one of the ones I received:


Post-its with black marker were put over the addresses, but you get the idea. This is one of the nicer ones. The others are a bit ‘rougher’.


Inside, people write their addresses (if they want) along with specifics in regards to the people they want (and don’t want) to write to them.

If I recall correctly, there are little codes that are used to designate these things shorthand. Ah, yep! At the bottom of the Wiki page, you’ll find the abbreviations.

So there you go! Some people find them annoying, some people think it’s fun to see where they get to in the world… (Once it’s filled up, you’re meant to send it to the person who made it/whom it was made for.)

Happy Mail!

Hello, hello!

There’s not a lot in my mailbox for Happy Mail this week. I did receive two letters, though.


(I did think about blacking out my full name because 1.) Full name! and 2.) I prefer to go by ‘Nyx’, but it’s easy enough to figure out my legal name anyway.)

The smaller green letter is from a lovely woman in India who has some of the best penmanship! Crazy good stuff right there. I ‘met’ her on SendSomething.net – a great place to find other people around the world who love mail.

The other letter is an interesting one. He wrote that he found my name and address in an FB (friendship book). Talk about your past coming back to haunt you! Wow. I was pretty lonely when I first moved here nearly four years ago, so I put my name in a couple FBs. Then nothing.

Now, years later, a letter shows up out of the blue. Crazy! I almost wish I hadn’t put my name down, because I have sinced learned that I’m better with trades, swaps, sales and purchases than at writing lengthy letters about what goes on in my life. But it’s still pretty cool (and weird – definitely weird) to have something from so long ago pop up like that.

If anyone wants some FBs, let me know. I now have three.

Anyway, I’d better move along. There’s plenty to do!