Happy Mail!

Happy Mail posts can go up on Tuesday… I live wildly like that. 😛

One little letter to show you today, but it’s so lovely that I couldn’t resist posting a couple pictures.


A while back, when I was still looking around for examples of zine reviews and such, I came across One Minute Zine Reviews. I found it merely days after the blog owner (DJ) had put up the post about closing up shop there.

I was a bit disappointed. Even so, I dug through his archives with pleasure and figured that I’d send him a letter of thanks for letting his archive of zine reviews remain ‘alive’ on the net.

This letter is his reply.


A close up (with better lighting) of the front of the card. It’s absolutely gorgeous, and I loved receiving it.

He also gets added to the list of people who have much better handwriting than I do. 😛

On another note, I received some lovely happy online mail as well. No pictures for those. I sent out a bunch of emails last night to anyone who had submitted to DA3 more than two months ago. I wanted to let them all know that DA3 is still happening, and that I am now shooting for the end of January (as I’ve had over half a dozen letters come in over the past couple of weeks).

I didn’t expect any emails back, so it was pretty awesome checking my email this morning.

Until the next post!