
No happy mail this week, hence the lack of a happy mail post. Well, not really, but I’m getting to the lack of posting.

As it just so happens, Wanderer and I had a little celebration of managing not to kill each other for the past however many years. Spectacular, no? I thought so.

My present from Wanderer? A computer and phone-free day.

Let me be clear: I love my technology like I love reading in a hot bath after a long, difficult day. BUT it is nice to unplug – and we definitely unplugged. We got lost. Literally, but not in a panic-laden sense. We more drifted around until we decided to look for something remotely familiar so we could start wandering back home. Even Zine Ninja had a good time.


The next day, we trekked to Melbourne for some Daiso goodness for me (my preeeciousss shoppingses) and some market-fresh meats for Wanderer.

This is probably the longest I’ve been away from the computer for a long while. It was pretty cool.

Anywho, I will be back soon with a zine review.