Call for Submissions: Bullying Zine


Looking for stories/essays (up to 500 words), poems (250-300 words) and artwork on the subject of ‘Bullying’.

Subject matter may include:
-confronting bullies & the outcome
-friends/peers/teachers who don’t intervene(bystanders)
-dealing with trauma/triggers (coping strategies)
-mental health (depression, anxiety, etc)
-thoughts of self-harm/suicide/revenge
-reaching out for help
-being ostracized (feelings of isolation, worthlessness, shame, grief, guilt, anger)
-what you would like to say to your bullies
-has bullying changed the ways you view peer groups today
-understanding bullies
-forgiveness (making peace)

Did the bullying take place in:
-elementary school
-high school

*Please let us know if you would like to use your real name, an alias or if you wish to remain anonymous (or if you are writing/sending it on behalf of someone you know).

No fictionalized work, please.

Am accepting submissions until August 31st, 2015.
Email submissions to:

Each contributor will receive a free copy of the zine.
Thank you.*