Wishes for You This New Year

Happy New Year

At the time I’m starting to write this, there’s about seven and a half hours before 2016 crashes over my timezone like the inevitable wave that it is. I like New Year’s. I feel like it’s a real holiday where we celebrate because we’re happy to be alive – and happy to have a fresh start. (Be it possibly only a psychological one.)

A lot about tonight and the coming days will focus on all the things that people want to accomplish in the coming year. I think that’s beautiful. I have a few goals myself, including more time spent here on this blog doing things I love.

But I want to do something a smidge different for my New Year’s Wishes here on SGZ. I have some wishes for you in your new year.

  • I wish for you to never feel like you are alone in this world.
  • I wish for you to find joy in the little things.
  • I wish for you to find the strength to ask for help when you need it…
  • …and to have the strength to give it when you can.
  • I wish for you to always have a place where you feel safe.
  • I wish for your friendships – whether many or few – to have great meaning and love.
  • I wish for you to remember that it’s okay. To be. To feel. To want. To love. To dislike. It’s okay.
  • I wish for you to have great, wonderful happy moments.
  • But more than that, I wish for you to find contentment and peace in your Self.


Happy New Year, beautiful people.