Call For… Help

I went back and forth multiple times in my head about whether I should post this. I’ve always reserved weekends for other people’s stuff (save the occasional Dear Anonymous call), so it felt a little selfish – even on my own blog – to post something like this.

But reality is what it is. If there is anything I learned from Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk: The Art of Asking, it’s that it’s okay to let people in. It’s okay to ask, and it’s okay to receive.

It’s not a failure to have to ask for help.

Kickstarter Campaign

(Click on the image to go directly to the campaign page.)

I love zines. You know how much I love zines because I prattle on about it in practically every other post here. They are my work and my pleasure in a world that doesn’t offer a lot of work to someone who has what I call my ‘quirks’. They are a mode of expression that has never been stolen from me by depression.

I have two zines (including the long-awaited Dear Anonymous 4) ready to print as well as a couple more on the way. The thing is, I can’t print them – and won’t be able to do so anytime soon.

Things are financially very tight right now (for reasons I can explain if you care to know them), and I don’t foresee me being able to get the ink and paper I need to be able to make Dear Anonymous 4 (and other zines).

If you think you can help me out, be it with a like or share, or if you can spare some change, you can click on the image above, or you can click right here to go to the page.

I appreciate any help in any form given. If there is anything I can do for you (be it in return gesture or in general), please let me know.

I know money can be a sensitive subject. I hope none of you think less of me for asking like this.

Most of all? I hope you’re having a fantastic holiday weekend. 🙂

3 Replies to “Call For… Help”

  1. Never be afraid to ask! I wish I had some money to spare but alas I am unemployed so that’s short to come by. But good luck with getting the money for your zines 🙂

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