Call for Submissions: Hairy Femme Mother #2 Zine

Hairy Femme Mother

Call for Submissions for Hairy Femme Mother #2: Send your stories of being a hairy queer femme ā€“ Iā€™m taking stories, poems, essays, artwork, photos, collages, whatever you come up with. The only thing Iā€™m asking is that you identify as a hairy queer femme and your submission reflects that. Priority will be given to hairy femmes of color and hairy trans, genderfluid, or gender non-conforming femmes of color ā€“ this includes black femmes.

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2 Replies to “Call for Submissions: Hairy Femme Mother #2 Zine”

  1. ha ha ha . . . hey . . . i’m a black midget that used to be Mexican lesbian . . .
    can I write for you?

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