I’m just starting into week three of whatever this lung thing I have is. If I’m a bit slow in replying to things, please know I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Sometimes I Still Get Pissed
For all the people who still get pissed. I know I do.
Zine Review: This Has All Been Too Much For Me Today, I Think I’ll Go Back to Bed
This Has All Been Too Much For Me Today, I Think I’ll Go Back to Bed
Philip Dearest
I got this zine on Etsy a while back, but I can’t get back to the Etsy shop to provide the link. I have no idea what’s happening there, so I apologise to Philip Dearest.
This Has All Been Too Much is a mini-zine that links words and art to express thoughts from the anxious and/or depressed mind. The phrases easily struck home for me, and it was a sad reminder of the things so many people go through.
I’ll be the first to say that I can be a little dense when it comes to art, but seeing statements like, “I can’t stop thinking” fleshed out as a potted plant was a lot more interesting than what I imagine it sounds like. I like the combination of words and uncomplicated art to express mental health issues.
The printing of this zine is intriguing as it appears to be white printed on black instead of the other way around. I fully admit that I had my nose pretty close to this zine to get a better look.
My one hesitation with this zine is that, while it may provide a way for people to not feel so alone, the messages might further feed into a dark place. Sometimes it’s a thin line between the two things, and this zine is one of those times.
I found This Has All Been Too Much to be a somewhat bittersweet experience, but the fact it made me feel something is a goal accomplished.
Zine Review: Conspira/torial #1
Conspiira/torial #1
Yuri Realman
I received Conspiira/torial #1 as a zine submitted for a review, and I must apologise because the combination of only two reviews a week plus my less than awesome zine organisation meant for a probably-longer-than-necessary wait.
Conspiira/torial #1 the the fictional (or is it?!) tale of Yuri Realman and how he’s being dragged into a conspiracy that he doesn’t want to believe… Though I can’t say for sure, I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve read a fiction zine of any sort. This was a good zine to break the gap.
What you imagined when you read my one-sentence synopsis? That’s what this story is. Or rather, this chapter one. There’s no mistaking this for anything other than a chapter one, but it’s a beginning I thoroughly enjoyed. Even my inner editor had a good time, and she doesn’t like much of anything.
Side note: As someone who likes to write books as well as read them, I know how difficult it can be to find your ‘voice’. I think ‘Yuri’ can rest assured that his voice is spot on and consistent.
Conspiira/torial #1 is a zine that goes to show that a zine doesn’t really have a definition in terms of what it is or isn’t. People know what they like, but preferences do not a standard system make. This zine is five single-sided pages printed and stapled in one corner.
However (you knew that was coming, eh?) even with personal preferences aside, I think there is room here for a lot of fun. Because of the envelope art and the awesome note accompanying the zine – on top of the actual context – I think this zine would be great with a little layout put into it. Half-fold, printing on both sides of the paper (being a zinester has made me a bit grumpy about white space), a cover upon which to stamp and draw…
There is nothing wrong with the way it is, but I can see potential for this to become aesthetic art as well as prose.
Conspiira/torial #1 is definitely worth checking out – especially if you like a bit of mystery.
Happy Mail!
I really want to leave yesterday’s post up a little longer because I think it’s important for people to know, but I have some happy mail to share.
Fishspit once again demonstrates that he is the kind of envelope art and has sent me a zine he made with Serena Pruess!
Quinn traded me Plaid Skirts and Converse #4 for Dear Anonymous 4.
A little bit of postal happiness for the day. <3 The next zine review will be up tomorrow!