I Look Miserable, But Laughter is My Theme Song
I was so, so excited to see these at the Festival of the Photocopier because I got my first zine of Karen’s work back in 2013 at Sticky Institute.
This comic zine actually starts with a poem that I won’t spoil. However, it’s my kind of poem: easy-to-understand, rhyming, and terribly funny. Talk about starting off a zine on the right. Even better? There’s another cheeky poem inside.
Karen’s artwork follows much the same – it’s funny, it’s sarcastic, it takes as many shots at her as it does at the rest of the world. It’s not so extreme as to be distasteful; it sticks to smirking and poking the world with a stick. It does have a few school type references, but that doesn’t take away from the enjoyment even though I haven’t been in school for more than a few years.
Check it out and, if you like it, get them all.