the first edition of ruby zine is looking for submissions with the theme “the female experience,” which can be interpreted however you wish. feel free to submit poetry, reviews, prose, essays, short stories, drawings/doodles, photography, diary entries, etc. basically anything you want that you think will fit. the zine will be published on issuu most likely, and i may be looking into other ways of publishing the zine (for free). when the zine is complete, i will send everyone involved a link to the finished publication. PS if anyone is interested in making cover art or submitting art for the cover that would be great!
i am unable to pay for submissions as i’m a broke student ((but getting published is great for a resume)) :~)
the deadline for submissions is august 10th 2016. i will definitely get back to you before this date if you submit; this is just the absolute last day for submissions! you can submit at & feel free to ask any questions you may have.
please include with your submission what name you’d like to go by, the title of your work (if there is one) and how you can be contacted/found on social media (optional)
**this is inclusive to trans women/transfeminine/femme presenting and nonbinary people as well…basically anyone who has something to share is more than welcome; the more perspectives the merrier!