Serena Pruess & Fishspit
There is something intrinsically pleasing to me when my expectations of a zine are met by a different reality. A zine called Cute with a cute animal cover, and the first line is:
There I was…in that goddamned van.
I should have known, this being co-created by Fishspit. Haha.
As much as the title and cover may take you in, this is certainly not a zine of fluffy stories. The first line is telling, but the first story is dark with a short and fuzzy ending.
I imagine at this point that I might not be making a heck of a lot of sense, but this zine is hard to describe. The stories inside are a mixture of sweet and bizarre, a combination I wouldn’t have thought would work. They sit along a range of dark humour.
Fishspit’s distinct collage style adorns the interior covers, and Serena’s adorable art is on the cover and inside. Along with a couple photographs, this makes for a well-rounded zine.
I feel like I haven’t read enough of Serena’s writing, at this point, to give an opinion on it. Fishspit’s writing is strange and bizarre in strange and bizarre ways.
The combination? Well, I’d like to read more of that.