I am not a healthy person. I am pretty much stressed 100% of the time, so I get ALL the colds, flu viruses, etc, etc. So you can imagine my surprise (and my wondering if I’ve been booted to an alternate universe) over the past two weeks with both Wanderer and Boggin being sick and me having nary a sniffle. Not only that, I was at Wing Nut’s house along with Kickass, and they both have the flu, too! Yikes.
*knock on wood*
The poor guys are in a rough way today, so I’m stepping up to play carer for our strange little trio, which involves a lot of tissues and running errands. Please bear with me, as I’m a bit all over the place. (And anxious. So much driving!)
*Don’t Call Me Cupcake 5 is done. It’s another stranger one, but perzines are like that sometimes. They can be good for working things out.
*I also have a brand new zine called DAFUQ You Say? (Wanderer really wanted to name it that. Hehe.) It’s a mini-zine that’s all quotes I’ve overheard and written down with no context.
*I am done with the interview questions from Zine Nation. I’ll let you know when the interview goes up.
*Dear Anonymous 5, DCMC 5, and DAFUQ aren’t listed on Etsy yet, but they will be soon.
*As it’s a new month, I’ll be updating the Zine Review Index as well as a few other pages.
*I’m working on a post series all about the basics of becoming a zinemaker. If you have any questions, let me know!
*I’m also working on a happy mail post for later today. This wouldn’t usually make it on the list, but things are crazy enough around here that I might need the reminder…
*I have my little can for coins and notes in the effort to save up for my badge machine. I’m getting nervous that it’s not a good investment… but sometimes one must leap, yes?
*I’m also dreaming of the possibilities of videos, podcasts, so on and so forth. If you have a preference for a specific kind of media (YouTube, Vimeo, podcasting on the wide variety of sites, Snapchatting, something) feel free to start up a chat about it. Tell me who/where your favourites are.
*I’ve started dreaming about typewriters, but I’m not sure if the reality will be as awesome as the dream due to upkeep…
DAFUQ You Say is a great zine name, as is the concept.
And yay for typewriters. Although I must admit that it is a lot easier to just download a typewriter font, so that is what I usually use. I do remember somebody wanting to write (or having written? I am so out of the loop) a zine about typewriter maintenance, it was a thread on wemakezines at some point. Which is going to disappear soon and I’m not sure how to feel about it. :-S
Thank you. I’m already collecting quotes for a second one.
Yes, I think I actually saw that thread at some point. And yes, I’m not sure how I feel about it closing, either. I can understand it both financially and for lack of use, but it’s like that teddy bear you’ve always loved but don’t ‘use’ a lot. You’d always choose to keep it if you had the choice.
Ooh, that’s a wonderful way of describing it! Wmz has been pretty much dormant for a while now, and I don’t really see it revive itself unfortunately. Not sure if there is a new generation of zinesters, and if so, where they hang out (tumblr?), but it’s obvious that they’re not at wmz. *cue obligatory “end of an era” comment, although honestly, that era was already on it’s way out when I joined wmz*
Thank you. I’ve been talking a lot in metaphors and similes recently.
WMZ was slow even when I signed up for it years back, but it didn’t occur to me that it was a financial investment. It should of, but I can be oblivious like that.
I certainly hope that someone takes up the call and the active users can get to a new community space – perhaps more traditional forum-like – that is free or low cost. Something like that. If I had any experience with coding, I’d try moving it myself. As it stands, Zines A Go Go on Facebook seems like the only at-least-somewhat active zine community online. It’d be lovely if that could change.
Yeah, a forum would be the most obvious plan, and from what I can see (wemakezines’ layout has been borking out on me on a regular basis since, well, 2011 :-D) that is what is going to happen. Quite curious if things will become more (inter)active after the move. It would be nice to have a place away from Facebook where people interact, but I’m not holding my breath, to be quite honest.
Well, I somehow landed in the separate group that is helping sort out what to do next, and it looks like those sorts of things are going to be addressed. I’m not holding my breath, either, but it looks favourable.
I did put my name on the list of “active zinesters” sometime last week, hope that worked and that I will be notified of a move at some point. Wemakezines has now almost completely stopped happening in my browser, not that I have much practical help to offer anyway, but I can’t even cheer people on.
I think they took names for the other group from this thread: http://wemakezines.ning.com/forum/topics/we-make-zines-is-dead-long-live-we-make-zines
Really, though, I’m just sitting around reading posts. It’s interesting, but I’d feel more useful as a bump on a log.