
Wanderer has been sick for a while. Just after getting past a massive flu, he started having gut problems, and it’s been a rough path for him from here.

Today we took him to the GP, who sent us to the emergency department. After tests and ruling out other possibilities, we found out that he has a partially ruptured appendix. When that news came, it was all about prepping him to go into the operating theatre as soon as possible.

I’m not allowed to be there when he wakes up. So I’m just home, doing the only thing I know to do at this point – write.

As I have the time now, I’ll say that I might need a few days hiatus. I might not need any. I don’t know. I don’t know how any of all this will work. Wanderer has barely ever been to the doctor since we’ve known each other. This is the first time he’s been to emergency since I’ve known him and the first surgery he’s had since he was a kid. They’re supposed to call when it’s all done to let me know how it went.

I hope that you can bear with me for the time being. It could change nothing here. It could mean silence for a little while. I’ll try not for the latter.

Thank you.

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