Call for Submissions: Crown, Leg, Tooth


I’m always looking for poetry about staplers for our zine Crown, Leg, Tooth.

Folks can reach me at or

Denver Avenue Press
1319 se MLK Blvd
Suite 214
Portland, OR 97214

Anybody whose poem we use will get twenty copies of C,L,T as a thank you.

Call for Submissions: Bi Focus #3


Submission Deadline: 30 November 2016
Find out if you’re in it by: 4 December 2016
Publication: 30 December 2016

Forms of submissions accepted: photos, paintings, comics, poetry, essays, personal stories – max four A5 pages per person (just to stop it being too bulky!). Please make sure it’s your own work and that you haven’t published it elsewhere. When submitting artwork, please consider that because this is printed at home, colours may not come out how they look on your screen at home.

Who can contribute: people who feel that they fall under the bi umbrella (e.g. you might identify as pansexual, bisexual, panromantic, biromantic, bicurious, polysexual, etc).

Topic: there is none! I mean, it still needs to relate to bi-ness e.g. review a tv show and how it portrays bi character/s, or talk about some shit you’ve dealt with due to being bi, or write a story about a bi penguin, or draw a comic about your first crush that made you realise you were bi, or take a photo of some bi peeps (get their permission to publish that pic too please!).

Pay: AUD$5 per contributor (this is an experimental payment for this third issue to see if this is sustainable, I really want to be able to pay people for their work)

Profits (if there are any): will go to charity – all profits from all my zines and art get split between animal and human rights charities.

You can submit by sending me a message on facebook, or emailing me at All contributors will get a free copy mailed out to them/to pick up :).

Please note: I will be selling this at Junky Comics, in my etsy store, and at zine fairs so if you want, feel free to use a fake name or no name if this makes you feel safer. After it has been printed and sent out, I will not be able to change these details.

Previous issues available here:

Call for Calls for Submissions: Spread the Word About Your Zine!

Zine Calls for Submissions

Share your call for submissions, announce your newest zine, let people know you are crowdfunding… If you have an announcement to make that has to do with zines, do it here! Sea Green Zines wants to be your megaphone. Even better? It’s an automatic shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when you advertise here.

Big fuzzy love hearts to those who have a .jpg call for subs, but all are welcome. Get in touch by emailing theauthor[at] or comment below.

Zine Review: Doris 15 DIY Anti-depression Guide


Doris 15 DIY Anti-depression Guide
Cindy (except for the piss article by my sister)

When you put the words ‘Doris’ and ‘anti-depression guide’ together, you know I’m there.

Doris 15 DIY Antidepression Guide gets off to (what I think is) the best possible start: with a comic and an acknowledgement in the very first panel that a little bit of depression is a natural part of living in this world. No, constant happiness is not a realistic expectation. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice to see that aspect of living acknowledged before we get into the nitty gritty of addressing depression.

It’s also nice to see that I’m not the only person whose handwriting wanders a bit…

Cindy has a truly unique writing style in that I always think I’ve settled down with her writing voice and where I think she’s going with things. Then, all the sudden, COFFEE! (or the like). It’s not always sudden, but this zine (and Doris zines in general) is less of a guide and more of a conversation. It wanders into all sorts of useful spaces, but if you want a 100% serious, step-by-step guide, then this might not be the zine for you.

That being said, it all comes back around to this feeling that Cindy wants you, the reader, to get more/the most out of life and living it.

I really appreciate that Doris got into the physical stuff. (Namely, UTIs and other kidney stuff that can kill you.) Yes, depression needs to be addressed through mental self-care, but being physically unwell can have a huge impact on our mental health as well. I’ve seen a lot of care guides that seem to forget that part.

I haven’t read much of Doris, but I think it’s the kind of zine you have to at least try one of. They do my head in sometimes, but I quite enjoy them.

Zine Review: Why I Love Nic Cage (And You Should Too) Activity & Fun Book


Why I Love Nic Cage (And You Should Too) Activity & Fun Book
K. Sheldon & Kendra K.

This is a zine that makes me smile every time I look at it. It’s one of those zines that reminds me that “if you can dream it, you can zine it”. I think it’s pretty easy to see why.

Yes, this zine really is an activity and fun book. And don’t think that just because it’s a zine that it’s not up to standard. This is a proper activity book with colouring, drawing, a maze, a word search and more!

This might not be something you want to just hand off to a kid, though. (Being an adult does not prohibit you from enjoying activity books!) Just in case you thought this was for kids. I mean, you could, but that centrefold… Oh, man, that centrefold… I have had this zine for quite a while now, and I still can’t stop myself from chuckling a little when I think about that.

(Spoiler hint: You can see a version of the centrefold if you go to the Tumblr page. You can’t miss it.)

The thing that really gets me smiling is the little ‘seal’ on the back that says this activity book is ‘unauthorize’. Love it!


I almost want another copy of this so I can play in one but have the other for keeps. Haha.

Happy November! Get Your Zine On

How is it November already?! I know people say that all the time about whichever month, but maaaaan was October a blur.

As many know, November is the month of NaNoWriMo in which people from around the world pen 50,000 words in one month and get their novel on in a big way.

BUT a novel might not be your thing, or 50k words may not be your thing, or maybe you really want to get your zine on (for the first time or another dance. Well, thanks to Kat, there is now a November answer!

Welcome to ZineWriMo!


ZineWriMo combines the creative rush of NaNoWriMo with the zine world to create a space where you choose your zine goal for the month an go for it!

At the time I’m writing this, there are already nearly 100 group members, and everyone there is being super awesome about everyone’s zine goals.

Definitely check it out!

As you can imagine…
