Happy Mail – Totoro Style!

Happy mail! There’s nothing like some happy mail to brighten a rainy day (even if it’s a welcome rain after a few brain-melting hot days).


This happy mail comes from the one and only king of mail art collage: Fishspit.

Fishspit knows I have such a soft spot for adorable things, and he is such a generous pen friend. I’m truly lucky to know him (and not just because of the cute happy mail). I know Fishspit is going through a rough time right now, so to receive happy mail from him right now makes me feel even luckier to be his friend.

And just for the Totoro fans out there…


So cute! This top will actually come off the pen for continued use even after the pen runs out of ink. I love it so much!

Many, many thanks to Fishspit.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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