Insomniughhh 2
Insomniughhh 2 is a black and white quarter-sized zine about life with a circadian rhythm sleep disorder.
I reviewed Insomniughhh 1 not long ago and was very curious to see where it went from there. Where the first zine walked more of an educational zine path, issue two dives into perzine territory.
Ashley writes about the heartbreaking isolation and troubles that can come with being someone who has a different clock to the 9-5 that is meant to be ‘normal’. There’s no holding back on topics like faking normal, the quest to find medications that actually work (and continue to work), and more.
I sympathised a lot with Ashley’s ‘graveyard of pills’ having had one of my own for my own conditions up until the point I moved a few months ago. That being said, I do think a ‘Things I’ve Bought While on Ambien’ is in order if Ashley ever feels up to it.
There is a little more margin watching that needs to happen for this zine with an entire line of one page cut off the bottom. But once again, Ashley pairs text and graphics an what I think is a balanced way.
While the two zines do differ, I feel like they’re a good pair that readers would do well to pick up together. In the first, you will find more info, but the second will give you a better glimpse of the reality.
The title of this zine is the best thing ever. <3!
Definitely a top title. XD