Don’t Call Me Cupcake’s New Cupcake

Hello, hello, hello. It still feels weird not to be posting every day. I wonder how long that feeling is going to last. Haha.

With ZineWriMo done and dusted as well as a proper internet connection now in the house, I am catching up on things that have been on my to do list for a long time. One of those things is a new cupcake for the Don’t Call Me Cupcake zine series…

What do you think? Be kind; I’m not great at drawing.

I’ve been wanting to switch out the cupcake for a long time. The current cupcake is actually a stamp, and it makes me anxious that someone is going to rock up and tell me I can’t use it or something like that. (I know. Welcome to my anxious mind.)

I finally went for it, and I think it turned out pretty well for a handdrawn cupcake. I’m very happy to have one less niggle running around in my brain, that’s for sure.

My list is three pages long, so I’d better get back to it. I hope you are well and having a zine-filled time. I will be back tomorrow with a Thursday review.

PS. If you want to weigh in on something I’m thinking about, check out this poll on Twitter.

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