Happy Friday, zine friends! I hope your week has gone or is going well. I actually got a little bit of sunshine to bask in today, so life isn’t all bad. Haha. Time for the IZM activity!
Today’s prompt is:
Zine Pride Day! Explore LGBTQIA zines! Buy, share, and read zines by people of marginalised sexual orientations and gender identities.
Because it is Friday, it’s a review day, so I have decided to take up the prompt with the review. Stand by for my review of…
Dirty Lesbian by Nina Echozina!
List of activities: http://www.stolensharpierevolution.org/international-zine-month/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/internationalzinemonth/
Others Joining In :
*Echo Publishing – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com
*Feral Publications – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-dA2HTUon0