International Zine Month 2018 – Day 31 – HallowZine

Ah, zine friends, here we come to my last post of the day, the last post of the month, and the last post for International Zine Month 2018.

Today’s prompt is:

Remember zines and zinesters that are no longer with us

I count myself as very fortunate every year that this prompt passes and zine friends new and old are still around making zines. While I know that there will be sad times to deal with, I try not to think about it.

When it comes to zines that are no longer with us, a few come to mind.

Cats Not Kids – a series recent to my eyes – ended on the third issue. These things happen, of course, but I had already found so much in common with the zinemaker that I was sad to see it end.

Comics and Beer also comes to mind as a series start that I really enjoyed… Alas, it remains (as far as I know) a one-off rather than a series.

The biggest zine series that is always on my mind, however, and makes me feel sad that I didn’t find zines during its run is Factsheet Five. I’ve only ever seen pictures of it online, and the few listings that pop up on ebay every now and then are out of my financial reach. So I sigh and pout, and then remember to feel grateful for all the wonderful zinemakers, zines, and zine series that are still going.

With that, zine friends, I bid you adieu for the month of July.


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –